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Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Revised Examination dates of JAIIB

Date Subject
28/01/2017 Principles & Practices of Banking
05/02/2017 Accounting & Finance for Bankers
11/02/2017 Legal & Regulatory Aspects of Banking

Further details at

Saturday, July 23, 2016

CAIIB Examination for December 2016

Open Period for Registration (28-07-2016 to 27-09-2016)

Examination conducted: Online Mode

Date               Subject
04.12.2016 - Advanced Bank Management

11.12.2016 - Bank Financial Management

18.12.2016 - Corporate Banking - Rural Banking - International Banking - Retail Banking 
                      Co-operative Banking - Financial Advising - Human Resources Management 
                      Information Technology - Risk Management - Central Banking - Treasury Management

Time: It will be given in the admit letter.

Details of Time Table