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Sunday, April 7, 2024

CAIIB Books pack

All CAIIB books are available at online with discount


Reschedule of JAIIB/DB&F May-June 2024 examination

The JAIIB/DB&F- May-June 2024, examination for the below mentioned subjects is re-scheduled on 9th ,16th & 22nd June, 2024 due to General Elections in India.

Subject Name

Original Exam Dates

Rescheduled Dates

Indian Economy & Indian Financial System

25th May, 2024

9th June, 2024

Principles & Practices of Banking

26th May, 2024

16th  June, 2024

Accounting & Financial Management for Bankers

2nd June, 2024

22nd June, 2024

For more details at