Important News

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Saturday, July 3, 2010

Important News for CAIIB Candidates

December 2010 onwards, Restructured syllabus for the CAIIB Examination
Revised (2010) Syllabus for CAIIB Examination
Two compulsory papers and one optional paper
Compulsory Papers
  1. Advanced Bank Management
  2. Bank financial Management

Optional Papers (Select One)

  1. Corporate Banking
  2. Rural Banking
  3. International Banking
  4. Retail Banking
  5. Co-operative Banking
  6. Financial Advising
  7. Human Resources Management
  8. Information Technology
  9. Risk Management
  10. Central Banking
  11. Treasury Management

The revised syllabus is being introduced from Dec 2010 / Jan 2011 Examination

More details know about this at

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